Pip the home-rabbit didn’t kill me. At least not yet, but I probably will as result of sleep deprivation. I learned the hard way that rabbits are nocturnal animals, during the night the Pip made a lot of noise drinking and scratching…Today a good rabbit is a rabbit in combination with prunes…

After breakfast I left Hannah, Alec and Oscar around 9.00 and cycled to Dilbeek to pick up Maarten and Inge who would join me cycling to Gent. On the way to Dilbeek another friend, Jurriaan, informed me that he would join as well. For my last TBBCA cycling day the weather gods have foreseen most of the day rain but eventually it was only the last 20 K that I needed to cycle in the rain. Not to to bad.
Thanks to Maarten leading the way we soon arrived in Schellebelle to say hello to another friend, Nico to have some refreshments and chocolate waffles….The last 20 K I cycled along the Schelde to home…I took the scenic route through the city center… and surprised the kids with my arrival….
After 86 days, 7757,58 kilometers, 59.466 meters of climbing, 500 hours on the road, 7 punctures, 13 countries,..at an average speed of 20,4 km/hour I’m back home.
I hope you had some fun reading my blog. Thanks for all the comments and support !
Love to Jo, Stella and Viktor who let me travel my road.
On to the next adventure……..
Song of today : Nooit naar nergens - Yevgueni
Het was een enorm plezier je dagelijks te kunnen volgen. Je verhaal en je foto's top! En straks heffen we t glas tijdens de Gentse feesten..
ReplyDeleteLieve H.
Welcome home! I'll miss your adventures and photos! Enjoy that you're back home!
ReplyDeleteWelcome home. Very nice tour. Enjoyed every bit of your log. Now the time to spend with the loving ones. Wishing you best of the time.
ReplyDeleteWhat an achievement, well done Thierry! I envy you for all the experiences you had on the way including some lovely food - ice cream, asparagus etc.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed your blog.
Love to you and your family. Andreas
laatste bericht, ik heb HEEL hard genoten van je verhalen en foto's, het was een prachtig avontuur om te volgen, nu genieten van vrouw en kinderen. Tot ziens
ReplyDeletetoffe blog en heel interessante reis...good luck
ReplyDeleteHet was voor jou zeker een fantastische reis maar ben toch blij dat je terug veilig thuis bent.
ReplyDeleteHet verslag en de foto's waren prachtig en keek er elke dag naar uit.
Nog veel groetjes
Hoi Met veel plezier je dagelijkse avonturen gelezen en genoten van je
ReplyDeleteMooie foto’s Dankjewel Jan