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/Day 84 /03 -06-22 /Remagen-Remersdaal

I was awake by 5.30 thanks to many birds making a lot of noice. I stayed in bed until 7.00 and was ready to go by 8.00. In Remagen I bought breakfast at the bakery and cycled afterwards the last kilometers along the Rhine.I also passed the remnants of the Remagen bridge which was was captured intact by the allies during WWII and scene for heavy battle as the Germans tried to destroy the bridge, which  it eventually did. 

Leaving the Rhine required some climbing to get out of the Rhine Valley. A short but steep climb brought me in a different landscape. Big fields, low rolling hills…Most of the day this would be the landscape, not  to bad but also nothing extra-ordinary. The cycle path often ran parallel to quite busy roads which spoiled somewhat the fun. 

In the afternoon I cycled though Aachen. I had never been to Aachen before and the  city center  looked very pleasant. The icecream was also of reasonable quality, no Amerena and Malaga this time but yoghurt and Madagascar Vanilla…..

After Aachen I had some final climbing to do to get to the Three Country Point where Belgium/Netherlands/Germany borders touch each other. Belgium was directly recognisable as separate cycle paths had disappeared all the sudden….

From there I was a couple of other climbs to reach the camping where I had booked a spot. The Camping is situated in Remersdaal a village in the Voer-region which was in the past the ground for a lot of discussion (even fights) between the Belgian Francophone and Flemish communities. The camping has a swim pool but after dipping my toe into the water I decided I would opt for a warm shower. As mentioned in my yesterday post the camping restaurant has been awarded as the best 2022 camping restuarant so I’m looking forward to have dinner. Somewhat disappointing is that they camping does not have a small shop with drinks and some snacks…

Tommorow my plan is to cycle to Halle and stay the night with my eldest daughter Hannah, Alec and Oscar. Again a long ride.But Hannah promised to have some cold beer in the fridge for when I arrive. 

Lessons Learned  :
  • 3 months have passed in a second…
  • Eatable icecream spoons  are a real thing


  1. Ik ben niet anoniem browser dingetje, ik heb met veel intressen sommige blogs gelezen op dagelijkse basis lukte niet
    Ook ik ga een keer de Balkan verkennen .
    Je muzieksmaak is voortreffelijk vooral R.E.M. 😄
    Ik ben vandaag naar Antwerpen citycamp gereden morgen naar ieper.
    He fijne thuiskomst en sws je kind weer eens zien .
    Hoi groetjes Stefan

  2. One day more to go and you'll see Hanah. I will miss your daily stories and your amazing photos ! Happy homecoming on Sunday!

  3. Nice to know you are reaching your loved ones. Certainly i will miss your story but anyhow one day it has to be over. Wonderful journey.

  4. Ik denk dat ik dit ook al eens vermeld hebt, maar zoals zoveel dingen: aan alles komt een eind en het einde is nabij, ik zal zoals Leen vermeld ook uw dagelijkse verhalen en foto's missen, zal wel een heel leuk weerzien zijn met uw familie, geniet ervan bij uw dochter en kleinkind en dan hop naar huis bij vrouw en kinderen.


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